The Best Hackintosh Guide For 2021

Best of The Skyfallen Dec 19, 2020

Table Of Contents

Getting Started with Opencore

First, you will want to grab all the files required to create a basic EFI

  • OpenCore 0.6.4 – The boot loader with which we will boot macOS on non-Apple Hardware
  • gibMacOS – Downloading macOS from the official Apple Servers in MacOS
  • ProperTree – GUI plist editor

Now Your Opencore Folder Should Look like this

GenSMBios – SMBios Editor

Now Your Opencore Folder Should Look like this

OC Folder (x64 for 64 bit System)

Now we would want to have a cleaned EFI which should look like this:

Cleaned EFI

Addition Of Base Files

(For UEFI)

Drivers (Location: /EFI/OC/Drivers):

  • HfsPlus.efi – Used to see HFS Drives which are mandatory for macOS
  • OpenRuntime.efi – This is already in the folder since we didn’t delete it

Kexts (Location: /EFI/OC/kexts):

Must Haves:

  • VirtualSMC – Used to emulate SMBIOS
  • Lilu – A must Kext required for other essential kexts
  • WhateverGreen.kext – Used for graphics patching DRM, boardID, framebuffer fixes, etc, all GPUs benefit from this kext.
  • AppleALC – Used for AppleHDA patching, allowing support for the majority of on-board sound controllers
    If you are trying to boot 10.7 or older, you should opt for VoodooHDA (instead of AppleALC), also if you have AMD based system
  • Ethernet Kext – To make Ethernet Work
    • IntelMausi – Required For major Intel NICs (Intel’s 82578, 82579, i217, i218 and i219 NICs are officially supported)
    • SmallTree-I211 – Required for i211 NICs and most AMD boards running Intel NICs
    • AtherosE2200Ethernet – Required for Atheros and Killer NICs
    • RTL8111 – For Realtek’s Gigabit Ethernet

SSDT Patching is necessary, Refer to this to do it

Config Plist Setup

I highly recommend to check Dortania’s Guide on Config.plist Setup and save it to the /EFI/OC/ Make sure to check Sanity of Config.plist file with SanityChecker

Pre Made EFI Folders For Your Hackintosh

Downloading MacOS

Creating A installer in Windows

It is recommend to make one from macOS since it creates an offline installer whereas with windows, we will need a kext for our hardware to make internet work and install macOS Get a 4GB+ Usb Drive and open command Prompt and type

# List available disks
list disk
# Select your disk(ie. disk 1)
select disk 1
# Format the drive
# Convert to GPT
convert gpt
# Create a new partition
create partition primary
# Select your partition
# Running clean ensures we only have 1 partition so it will be "partition 1"
select partition 1
# Format the drive as FAT32
format fs=fat32 quick
# Assign a drive letter(ie. Drive F, ensure it's not currently in use)

# Lion(10.7):
python -b Mac-2E6FAB96566FE58C -m 00000000000F25Y00 download
python -b Mac-C3EC7CD22292981F -m 00000000000F0HM00 download

# Mountain Lion(10.8):
python -b Mac-7DF2A3B5E5D671ED -m 00000000000F65100 download

# Mavericks(10.9):
python -b Mac-F60DEB81FF30ACF6 -m 00000000000FNN100 download

# Yosemite(10.10):
python -b Mac-E43C1C25D4880AD6 -m 00000000000GDVW00 download

# El Capitan(10.11):
python -b Mac-FFE5EF870D7BA81A -m 00000000000GQRX00 download

# Sierra(10.12):
python -b Mac-77F17D7DA9285301 -m 00000000000J0DX00 download

# High Sierra(10.13)
python -b Mac-7BA5B2D9E42DDD94 -m 00000000000J80300 download
python -b Mac-BE088AF8C5EB4FA2 -m 00000000000J80300 download

# Mojave(10.14)
python -b Mac-7BA5B2DFE22DDD8C -m 00000000000KXPG00 download

# Catalina(10.15)
python -b Mac-00BE6ED71E35EB86 -m 00000000000000000 download

# Latest version
# ie. Big Sur(11)
python -b Mac-E43C1C25D4880AD6 -m 00000000000000000 download





Creating A installer in macOS

Open gibMacOS and choose the OS you want to download

  • For macOS 11+,we will need to extract the installer, for that go to gibMacOS>macOS Downloads>publicrelease>macOS (whichever you chose) and run InstallAssistant.pkg and install it on your Boot Drive.
  • For macOS 10.15 or older,we will need to build the installer, for that go to gibMacOS and run BuildmacOSInstallApp.command and drag & drop your macOS Downloads>publicrelease>macOS folder to the terminal & press return
    Move the newly created file to Applications Folder

Now Open DiskUtility and format your usb to macOS Extended (Journaled)

Run the Following Commands (according to your downloaded OS):

#Big Sur
sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ Big\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume

# Catalina
sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume

# Mojave
sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume

# High Sierra
sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ High\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume

# Sierra
sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume

# El Capitan
sudo /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ El\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ El\

# Yosemite
sudo /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\

# Mavericks
sudo /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ --nointeraction

sudo diskutil mount /dev/disk2s1

Now copy your EFI folder that we made in the Initial Step

Installing MacOS

If this Portion of the Tutorial Fails, you can re-read this and see where you went wrong and if you still cannot Figure it out, you can ask in Comments.

Bios Settings

Disable The Following:

  • Fast Boot
  • VT-d
  • CSM
  • Intel SGX
  • Intel Platform Trust
  • VT-x
  • Hyper-Threading
  • Hyper-Threading
  • EHCI/XHCI Hand-off
  • OS type: (Windows 10 Feautres: Other)

Plug in your USB to the Desired System and boot from the UEFI Partition of USB and You will be greeted with multiple Options Choose macOS Base System (External) OR Install macOS Catalina (External)

and you will go through verbose

And will be greeted with installation screen

Now Open Disk Utility

Format your whole Disk as APFS and Guild Partition Scheme

Once you start the installation, you will want to wait until the system restarts.
You will once again want to boot into OpenCore, but rather than selecting your USB installer/recovery – you will want to select the macOS installer on the hard drive to continue installation.
You should get an apple logo, and after a few minutes you should get a timer at the bottom saying “x minutes remaining”. It may restart a couple more times, but if all goes well, it should finally plop you at the “Setup your Mac screen”

Hackintoshing Successfull

Congratulations! You successfully Installed MacOS on your System

Now open Terminal and mount your usb’s efi by sudo diskutil mount /dev/disk2s1 and copy the EFI folder to documents

Type sudo diskutil unmount /dev/disk2s1to unmount the mounted efi and sudo diskutil /dev/disk0s1 to mount your Boot Drive’s EFI Partition and move the EFI from documents to this partition and unmount it.
There might still be issues which can be fixed in the OpenCore’s Post Install Guide If you have any queries, you can comment on this article or can go to r/hackintosh or can join this Discord Server that is made for the Hackintoshing Community


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